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From the Pastor's Desk

  • Writer's picturePastor

Good Morning Pioneer Baptist!


The vote counting in the swing states was stopped, and we are uncertain exactly why. It didn’t seem to make sense. Joe Biden appears to have won the electoral college, but the victory, yet uncertified and with Donald Trump unconceded, is uncertain. Lawsuits have been filed regarding observers denied, dead people voting, non-residents arriving, and compromised software, while various state officials are quoted as saying that there has been no chicanery, leaving millions of Americans uncertain. Joe Biden has said relatively little and been seen even less, and multitudes of Americans are uncertain about tax hikes, green new deals, foreign trade agreements, immigration reform (or de-form) and whether broad swaths

of America shall be shut down. Will the vaccine arrive soon, and if it does, will it be effective enough to save our lives? We’re uncertain. Is the Kung Flu a threat to those of us who are young, or does it merely pose a fatal reality to the old codgers? And we hesitate to mention the uncertain mentality of Pope Francis, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, offering his congratulations to a President-elect Joe Biden who is solidly in favor of a woman’s right to choose to end her baby’s life!

Despite our passions positive or negative, I’m pretty certain that the watchword of the day is uncertainty.

But I do have an inspired Bible that Psalms 12:6-7 describes as “preserved” (unless you happen to be reading an uncertain NIV). And Hebrews 13:8 (KJV) assures me that “Jesus Christ (is) the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” The One who died for our sins said in John 14:6 (KJV) “…I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Death is certain, as are Heaven and Hell, depending on one’s certain personal relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ. I am certain that I have put my faith in the Resurrected One, the Lord Jesus Christ, and that I have done so according to Romans 10:9-10. I am certain that I deserve Hell, for I am a hopeless and condemned sinner apart from Christ’s gracious forgiveness, which I am also certain of.

I have a perfect certainty, which the world cannot possibly provide, and I give God all the glory for placing that certainty in my heart and soul. He is the Author and the Finisher of my faith, and that’s for sure!

Love to all,


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