“Hamburger Hill!” And I’d like a little apple sauce to go with it!
Men fighting for their lives in battles that don’t seem to make that much sense to them can manufacture a brilliant, sarcastic, bitter sense of humor. “Hill 937” in South Vietnam was a hunk of land that we fought for from May 10th to May 20th 1969 during the Vietnam War. Although the heavily fortified Hill 937 was of little strategic value, U.S. command ordered its capture by a frontal assault, only to abandon it soon thereafter. The action caused a controversy both in the American military and public. On the U.S. Army maps it was “Hill 937” but the American soldiers who fought there dubbed it "Hamburger Hill," suggesting that those who fought on the hill were "ground up like hamburger meat" in a grim reference to the Battle of Pork Chop Hill during the Korean War.
War in its essence is a terrible thing, although we concede that it has been necessary in the great history of our United States in order that we might live our lives as a free people. But soldiers do get ground up like hamburger meat in the process, and these are husbands and sons, and sometimes nowadays, even wives and daughters. It’s terrible! We wonder too, why we pay such a price for land thousands of miles away that has little to do with American freedom and interests. Valid questions, I believe.
But what if “Hamburger Hill” happened to be located closer to home, or even within our own home, compromising our safety? What if it were, at least according to reports, being defended by armed personnel? What if “Hamburger Hill” were a six square block area in the East Precinct of Seattle, a precinct that the police have even retreated from? What if, as reported by Gateway Pundit, it were Antifa who had seized this “Capitol Hill” and who is reportedly seeking armed volunteers to take turns manning their barricades and holding their ground? Yes, these things are happening right now! These radical leftists are styling the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” as a sovereign state “retaken back for the people,” warning anyone who reaches the area’s border wall (ironically enough, they have built a wall) that they are leaving the United States.
Law abiding citizens like you and me don’t appreciate it one bit. And while some Christians might be asking “What would Jesus do?” I feel like, based on what He has promised to do and that He has recorded exactly what He is going to do, He would take back what belongs to Him! You can read all about it in the Book of the Revelation in the white pages of your Bible. The news from Seattle has been a bit difficult for me to pin down this morning, but the news of the Victorious Return of the LORD Jesus Christ is still right there on His Morning Star News, the Holy Bible. That news has yet to be censored in our great, free, United States of America. What do I say about that six block Capitol Hill in the City of Seattle? I say, “Let’s take that Hill!”
Love and Prayers to all,