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From the Pastor's Desk


Good Morning Pioneer Baptist!

Writer's picture: PastorPastor

I don’t have a guest host.

I’ll be “away from my desk” for several days, and therefore will be suspending my blog for a short time. No viruses, no sicknesses, no hospitals, no problems, just “away from my desk.”

Please keep us in prayer, along with the many others whose names we have often put forth at church. I dare not offer a list in this blog for fear of leaving someone out. Suffice it to say that people are fighting cancer, heart disease, brain tumor, and bereavement, not to mention being stationed in nursing homes, as well as things that impact themselves and their families financially. They are all important, and we owe them our prayers, an expression of Christian love that we delight in.

Yes, we have been political in these blogs of late, saying things that I believe need to be said, attempting to support Biblical right and common sense in opposition to the Far Left’s insanity of attacking our police, taking over blocks of our nation, and deciding they have the right to burn, loot, destroy and kill. Maybe they’re not insane at all, as maybe they hate America and the American way of life and see this as the best way to take it down. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 says this, now as important as ever, and it has never been anything but important : “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” Whatever the problem is, I assure you that anarchy is not the answer! Let’s pray for God to lead our leaders, from President Trump and on down! God has blessed us with a constitutional, rights of the unborn, border security, strong military, law and order President, and we must be prayerfully thankful to God for His grace.

I am so thankful to God for America, and am so proud to be an American. I know that many countries either outlaw churches or severely restrict them. We, as Americans, have the “right” to peacefully assemble, to exercise free speech, and to worship our Creator. We have our own personal copy of the Word of God, which we study and preach regularly right here at the Pioneer Baptist Church, 11717 Pioneer Boulevard, Norwalk, California, and no governmental official has ever even suggested taking it away, although our “previous” did speak disparagingly of Christians who “cling to guns or religion” but we digress. We are blessed, and let’s never forget it, and let's never cease from thanking God and praying for one another! Before you know it, I’ll be back right here, pecking away with our thoughts on the State of the Union and the State of God’s Church, and loving every minute of it!

Please keep the First Lady of Pioneer Baptist in your prayers, as we might possibly take a plane ride, and we pray for her physical strength. Don’t worry about her being tough – she’s all of that all the time! Trust the LORD Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and keep your powder dry!

Love and Prayers to all,


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